// terraforming Gratemos VII --psm 98.08.02-..09-20 // this location linked to certain overlays, see below // Initial Phase messages Let's get under way.> > Entering orbit around Gratemos VII. > // Execute Phase messages > > > > > > Enemy vessel sighted. Red alert. Looks like a Jem'Hadar warship.> Phasers melting the ice, Captain.> Monitoring the process.> > > // Closing Phase messages > > //flaw in that this branch is used for all cases //Command Event Overlays // unrecoverable failures // SMF Shields Malfunction Responses // Conflict Resolution Overlay --psm 98.09.19 // Enemy is Friendly, or not... // When the sim gets the "EnemyFire" command... // But if Phasers arent ready... --psm 98/09/30 // "FightEnemy" results in... //target is deemed Invincible.... what will you do, or have them do? //targetDestroyed-->we then simply "zapEnemy" thus conflict ends //targetDisabled-->we then simply "clrEnemy" thus conflict ends //targetImpacted-->we then get enemyFire //targetTouched or 'dented'-->we then get enemyFire //targetUnaffected-->we then get enemyFire // Conflict Res messages, for example The hostile Jem'Hadar vessel is destroyed. Send our regrets to the central command on Yadera Prime.> Battle stations! Shields to maximum.> > //you may be leaving icons on the screen //end